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Goad-And-Glory Graham™: Prosecute Netanyahu and We Are Next!


N.B. Coffee fuelled stream of consciousness rant warning: Goad-And-Glory Graham™ just triggered me. You’ll have to find the links to my rant facts yourself (if you doubt them), as I’m in the mood to get stuff off my chest.

So we hopefully together will find a way to rest our displeasure with the ICC because if they'll do this to Israel, we're next.

Good! Isn't it time the warmongering US military-industrial complex answered for its crimes?

It’s not going to happen, of course.

That’s the beauty of being the #1 Global Bully. Its elites (not you) own the world’s #1 currency (use it or else, backed by “proof of war”). They own the world’s #1 military, with a friendly base near you (800+ and counting). They take out any government leaders who get in their way and justify it in the name of “democracy”. They perpetuate endless wars to fuel arms sales, ensuring continuous profit for defence contractors. They engage in covert operations to destabilize regions not aligned with their geopolitical interests. They conduct drone strikes with minimal oversight, leading to numerous civilian casualties. They exploit natural resources in conflict zones, often without regard for environmental damage or local populations. They support and arm authoritarian regimes when it suits their strategic interests, disregarding human rights abuses. They engage in surveillance and espionage activities against both adversaries and allies alike. They propagate military propaganda to maintain public support for foreign interventions. They manipulate international law to justify illegal interventions or avoid repercussions. They conduct psychological operations to influence political outcomes in other nations. They use economic sanctions to cripple opposing governments, often worsening humanitarian crises. They foster dependency in smaller nations through military aid and defence agreements, undermining their sovereignty. They test new weapons technologies in conflict zones, disregarding the safety and health of local populations. They engage in the trafficking of arms to non-state actors and insurgent groups, fueling further violence and conflict. They impose unilateral blockades that restrict access to essential goods and services, punishing entire populations. They conduct illegal renditions and operate secret prisons where torture and other human rights abuses are reported. They manipulate media narratives to demonize adversaries and shape public opinion in favour of war. They engage in the massive environmental destruction of war zones, leaving lasting damage long after conflicts have ended. They neglect the care and treatment of veterans, failing to address the physical and psychological scars of war adequately. They influence academic and scientific institutions to prioritize military research over civilian needs. They systematically ignore or silence whistleblowers and journalists who expose unethical practices and corruption. They violate international arms control agreements to maintain technological and strategic advantages. They use economic and political pressure to sway international organizations' decisions in their favour. They fund and support proxy wars, contributing to regional instability under the guise of maintaining balance. They exploit cyber warfare tactics, including hacking and misinformation campaigns, to disrupt the operations of perceived enemies. They implement policies that discriminate against certain ethnic or religious groups within military operations, both at home and abroad. They bypass international courts and human rights treaties when it's convenient, undermining global justice systems. They engage in land grabs under the pretext of establishing military bases, displacing local communities without fair compensation. They conduct unauthorized surveillance on global communications, infringing on the privacy of millions. They utilize chemical and biological weapons research under secretive conditions, risking global health. They orchestrate coups against democratically elected governments to install favourable regimes. They participate in economic warfare by manipulating global markets to weaken adversaries economically. They exert undue influence on the legislative process to secure bloated defence budgets at the expense of social programs. They collude with private defence contractors to obscure the true cost of military projects through accounting tricks and opaque contracting. They maintain a revolving door between military leadership and private sector positions, compromising ethical standards and public trust. They sponsor paramilitary groups to perform dirty work under plausible deniability, avoiding direct accountability. They deploy psychological warfare techniques to undermine the morale and cohesion of enemy populations. They enforce strict information blackouts during sensitive operations to control the narrative and suppress dissent. They manipulate patriotic sentiments to garner unwavering support for military actions, regardless of their legality or morality. They prioritize strategic interests over humanitarian concerns in crisis zones, often exacerbating the plight of affected populations. They mislead the public and international community about the reasons and objectives of military interventions, masking true motives. They develop and deploy autonomous weapons systems without adequate international oversight or ethical frameworks. They exploit diplomatic immunity to shield military personnel from prosecution in foreign lands. They conduct aggressive geopolitical strategies to control vital resources like oil, minerals, and waterways. They strategically support or oppose environmental policies based solely on how they affect military operations, often at the expense of global sustainability. They manipulate historical narratives to glorify military actions and downplay failures or atrocities. They prioritize investments in weapons development over addressing critical veteran issues such as homelessness and mental health. They use threats of military action as a tool to force trade concessions or economic agreements favourable to domestic industries but detrimental to other countries. They engage in widespread use of drones for surveillance and targeted killings, often with questionable legal justification. They promote a culture of secrecy that obstructs democratic oversight and accountability of military operations. They enforce aggressive counterintelligence measures that sometimes infringe upon civil liberties and the rights of citizens. They suppress research and development in non-lethal technologies in favour of more destructive weaponry. They conduct secret experiments involving human subjects without their knowledge or consent. They exert influence over media outlets to propagate pro-military narratives and suppress critical coverage. They create and maintain alliances with oppressive regimes for strategic benefits, ignoring or excusing human rights violations. They engage in economic sabotage against nations that oppose their geopolitical strategies. They fabricate threats or exaggerate enemy capabilities to justify increased military spending. They conduct offensive cyber operations under the guise of national security, violating international norms. They exploit national emergencies and crises to expand surveillance and erode privacy rights. They manipulate veteran support organizations to promote pro-war agendas. They orchestrate disinformation campaigns to discredit international bodies that challenge their actions. They leverage national security concerns to bypass environmental regulations, causing irreversible damage to ecosystems. They maintain a network of off-the-books 'black sites' for detention and interrogation outside legal jurisdictions. They influence academic policies and curricula in universities to promote pro-military ideologies. They push for the privatization of warfare through the increasing use of mercenaries and private military contractors. They exploit post-conflict reconstruction efforts to secure profitable contracts for domestic companies. They underreport civilian casualties and downplay collateral damage to maintain public support for military operations. They utilize legal loopholes to test controversial weapons and technologies in international waters or on foreign soil. They impede international nuclear disarmament efforts to maintain a strategic advantage. They systematically dismantle indigenous and local communities’ rights in strategic areas, displacing them for military purposes. They engage in the trade of military technology with unstable or transitional governments, increasing the risk of regional conflicts. They coerce smaller nations into hosting military bases under threats of economic sanctions or reduced aid. They conduct unauthorized military training programs in foreign countries, raising tensions and often leading to unforeseen consequences. They manipulate patent laws to maintain control over advanced military technologies, stifling innovation and competition. They sponsor research in universities to develop technologies primarily for surveillance and control, rather than for the public good. They use classified information as a shield against accountability, claiming national security to block scrutiny of military actions. They promote arms races by continually advancing offensive capabilities, forcing other nations to respond in kind. They bypass democratic processes by using emergency powers to fund and conduct military operations. They exploit gaps in international law to justify aggressive actions in cyber and space warfare. They pressure political leaders and international bodies to adopt policies favourable to arms manufacturers. They utilize psychological tactics to recruit and maintain a combat-ready populace, often targeting young and impressionable individuals. They orchestrate media campaigns to glorify military intervention, shaping public opinion to support foreign wars. They employ economic blockades as a first resort to force compliance from non-aligned nations, causing humanitarian crises. They intervene in foreign elections to install or support leaders sympathetic to American military interests. They leverage defence contracts as political tools, distributing them to gain support from lawmakers for military ventures. They neglect to adequately address the environmental cleanup of former military sites, leaving toxic legacies in both domestic and foreign lands. They use international trade agreements to secure markets for arms exports, undermining regional stability. They suppress internal reports and whistleblowers that expose unethical practices and failures within defence programs. They conduct military drills and simulations near borders of rival nations as a show of force, escalating tensions unnecessarily. They manipulate global arms control talks to maintain a strategic upper hand, while publicly promoting disarmament. They fund and support covert operations that undermine international peace efforts, preferring controlled instability. They exploit the rhetoric of national security to justify the erosion of civil liberties at home and abroad. They impose strict controls over military research findings, often withholding information that could have beneficial civilian applications. They promote a culture of secrecy that allows for unchecked growth in defence spending and lack of public accountability. They exacerbate global arms proliferation by exporting advanced weaponry to volatile regions. They engage in price gouging and create artificial demand for military hardware through fearmongering about potential threats. They capitalize on global crises to test new weapons or military strategies, often at the expense of civilian populations. They influence national policy to prioritize military readiness over social welfare, diverting funds from education, healthcare, and infrastructure. They perpetuate a cycle of dependency in client states by providing military aid with strings attached, ensuring long-term alignment with U.S. strategic goals. They conduct disinformation campaigns to discredit international humanitarian organizations that criticize U.S. military actions. They strategically use the threat of withdrawing military support to manipulate smaller nations into political and economic concessions. They maintain a narrative of imminent threat to justify preemptive strikes, often without conclusive evidence. They leverage cybersecurity operations to infiltrate and sabotage foreign infrastructure, risking escalation into broader conflicts. They fund and equip opposition groups in foreign countries, destabilizing governments and regions under the guise of promoting democracy. They bypass international bans on landmines and cluster munitions through loopholes and reinterpretations of treaty obligations. They systematically underreport the scale and impact of their overseas military bases on local communities and environments. They use national security as a pretext to monitor and suppress peaceful protests and dissent within the United States. They engage in aggressive lobbying to weaken international environmental protections that could affect military operations. They exploit dual-use technology research, directing scientific advances to enhance military capabilities at the expense of civilian applications. They manipulate the media to underplay the humanitarian costs of military conflicts, focusing instead on strategic successes. They…My hands need a rest. As I rest, I contemplate the kid who just got killed by an American-made bomb. And there’s another…

I’ll have to leave it there for today. Something just made me feel sick.

P.S. If you think any of my facts—just stuff off the top of my head from memory—are not true or debatable, that’s fine; that’s your choice. But here’s my question for you: How many of these facts/claims need to be true before you stop seeing the US military-industrial complex elites as ‘the good guys’ in some CIA-sponsored Hollywood flick?

P.P.S. If, as an American citizen (or as someone from its satellite states like the UK, Canada, Australia, or other European countries), you now feel uncomfortable and defensive, ask yourself: Why am I defending the corrupt elites who run the military-industrial complex and the deep state, to whom I owe nothing?


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