
Syncing Trump Shooter Videos

Nice work from alternative news media, MilkBarTV on X.

These two videos above, carefully synchronised by MilkBarTV on X, corroborate this eyewitness account:

These synchronized videos show that multiple people saw the shooter on the roof at least 2 minutes before the shooting and called the police for help.

The US Secret Service must have known that this rooftop, so close to the President, would be problematic, and now we know that people were shouting about a problem and calling for help. To be frank, I don’t understand why they didn’t have an officer on that rooftop, and every other nearby rooftop. There seemed to be an awful lot of people in suits and shades getting in each other’s way.

Advice to the US Secret Service: You’ve hired a bunch of small people who don’t know how to handle a gun or cover the body of the President; perhaps at the next rally they could be put at the top of the ladders to stop people climbing on the roofs of nearby buildings (assuming they can at least defend themselves with the guns).

Perhaps this was all just incompetence. We must consider this possibility. The world is changing, and mediocrity and incompetence have become the order of the day.

Incidentally, they’re hiring:

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