The federal government has said that its online harms bill is imminent. They've said this bill will include among other things a ban on so-called online hate speech. As you know the Conservatives a decade ago repealed section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act which the Liberals have talked about reintroducing and tried in the last parliamentary term. Will the Conservatives oppose the reintroduction of these provisions and the Liberals approach to so-called online hate speech?
Yes. We Will Oppose, Justin Trudeau's latest attack on freedom of expression.
And I want to ask, what does Justin Trudeau mean when he says the word hate speech?
He means speech he hates.
So for example, let's go through some of the things he said is hate speech.
Jerry Butts, the PMO puppet master said that it was hate speech to criticize Trudeau for using the ridiculous term “people kind”, right?
Justin Trudeau said anyone who criticized him during the pandemic was engaging in hate speech.
Basically, anybody who disagrees with his radical agenda when it comes to kids, he says is hate speech.
He attacked Muslim parents who are protesting against his agenda.
Is he going to criminalize those Muslim parents for protecting their children in schools?
Go down the list of things that Justin Trudeau disapproves of, and you can imagine all of the things that will be criminalized.
Then there becomes the question of who is going to be in charge of determining what is hate speech?
Recently, a school board in Ontario banned Anne Frank's books.
So would that be considered hate speech under Justin Trudeau's woke authoritarian agenda?
I think it would.
So anyone who thinks that speech they don't like is going to be criminalized, and therefore the bill should be supported, those people should go through the list of their own thoughts that Justin Trudeau considers to be unacceptable views, and you can assume that he will ban all of that as well.
Further reading:
Canada's Opposition Leader: What does Justin Trudeau mean by "hate speech"? He means speech he hates.