Biden will be replaced - and I don’t mean by election, if there even is one. I don’t think it'll be Kamala, the powers that be aren’t completely stupid. But it'll be someone they can control.

As you know, my preference is Trump because he's pretty good at Not Starting Wars. As well as not mandating, despite his 'beautiful warp speed'.

None of them are perfect, not by a long shot, but I doubt we'll have much, if any say in the matter.

Do you really believe Joe Biden was the most popular president ever?

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This just in (tangential) CNN will be implementing a two-minute delay on the debate tonight.

Enough time for quick edits? All I can think of...

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"... who do you think would do a better job at ending the wars in Ukraine and Israel, President Trump or RFK Jr?...? Not who but what; the icbm capable Russian war craft, in the Caribbean are VERY capable 👌 😉

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