Aug 1Liked by Mathew Aldred

I have read a bit on this over the years. I find it hard to reconcile the evidence I have read with a psyop, but I guess with a good psyop, I would not know. In any case, reports go back to the earliest days of aviation I think. The book "Crash at Corona" by Friedman (https://www.amazon.ca/Crash-Corona-Military-Retrieval-Cover-Up/dp/1931044899) made me seriously reconsider the topic. I had read a few debunking books back in the 1970s. I now think they are just as likely to be the psyop. The bottom line is that I don't know, but I don't consider alien visitation impossible. If a psyop, I still do not see who benefits and just how. I know you have to attempted to answer the question, but I am still not sure that I see it. So, who is doing the lying?

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So, I'll investigate further, and see if I can come up with some reasonable speculations.

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Aug 1Liked by Mathew Aldred

Sci-fi was my Awakening, as an intelligent, lonely Cuckoo growing up in Oz. I cut my teeth on Heinlien, Van Vogt, Asimov, E.E. Doc Smith, Moorecock, Burroughs, Vonnegut, on E.C. Tubb & Jack Vance. If I reco anything it'd be Dangerous Visions 1, 2, 3. edited by Harlan Ellison (I have no mouth but I must scream- A.I. as it will be, eg,)

So I GROK you here, Mathew:

IF there were actual Contact, from "Superior" beings (wouldn't be hard, let's face shit 🤷) then it's doubtful that they have aligned with The Elite$, because our "elite$" are s.h.i.t.

IF Interstellar trade is like the IMF & World Bank then we've already been sold, the planet is getting a removing & our SuoerWealthy go Bye Bye, yeah? Goodbye and thanks for all the Twinks.


The Ollies simply couldn't hide how evil they are.

So, nah. Superior TECH, 'nother kettle of dolphins. The U.S. Patent Office is the most effective Knowledge Suppression tool since The Catholic Church. I think Area 51 is Tesla's stolen data btw. Didja know, an uncle of Trump was one of the Gummint Agents that cleaned up Tesla's offices after his passing? Crazy...

I.C.E. plans for 1000 miles per gallon. Free Energy. WARP FIELDS (CERN). LLM & GAI for sure, the Plandemic was injected into entire populations using A.I. The Psop was seamless, instant, total, in every language.

I am Human. We've opened Pandora's Box. Where are my dice? Ready Player SEVEN.

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I'm glad you're interested, because I'm thinking about investigating this more.

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Aug 1Liked by Mathew Aldred

China is already making great strides with Fusion, do you watch Kevin Walmesly on YouSuck? (China Business Channel,)

CERN is already causing science papers on "theoretical failure of a warp drive", using advanced math. Again, Sci-fi as prophet. Arthur C Clarke wrote FICTION about geosynchronous orbit so scientists had to invent satellites! I honestly believe that we could be an AWESOME Species but that the Cost Models need to eliminate the top 2% of all wealthy people from the equations... coz the books won't balance until We DO.

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Aug 1Liked by Mathew Aldred

CERN is indeed concerning. Aliens=demons?

Damned if I know.

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Aug 1Liked by Mathew Aldred

Von Danniken meets Cthulu? Oh dear...

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