My long time readers will know that Google’s YouTube—in the days of Susan Wojcicki—kept on giving me strikes for simply trying to post scientific and legal testimonies and evidence, such as the Stanley Plotkin court deposition; that deposition, for example, revealed that The Science™ of vaccines is more akin to a cult/high control group trying to push its idea of the sacred rather than a rigorous science of placebo controlled trials. So, I thought it would be interesting to use one of Google’s new experimental AIs to analyse the deposition; AI has great potential in undermining the elites in the information war. I simply gave the currently free to use Google NotebookLM the text of the 9-hour deposition and asked it to make a ‘podcast’ of the document. You may be surprised by the results:
Here’s some written highlights so you don’t have to tolerate the ‘podcaster vibe’:
And they bring up these clinical trials and how some of them have really short safety review periods. Like we're talking just a few days sometimes…Yeah. And they even talk about the MMR vaccine. Big one, right? The product insert. It actually says there wasn't a clinical trial before it was licensed…Wait, hold on. No trial at all… I don't even know what to say to that…It's definitely raises some eyebrows, right?
They bring up his ties to the vaccine manufacturers…Conflict of interest, that whole thing…Now whether those ties actually influence his views. That's for each listener to decide, OK.
This is where things get really interesting ethically. Speaking, we're talking about the ingredients used in some vaccines, specifically fetal cell lines…Doctor Plotkin doesn't shy away from it either. Admits it right there. Even says he used 76 fetuses for one study…Wow. That's, I mean that's a lot. To unpack right there…Definitely gives you something to. Think about. But Speaking of which, we need to move on to the next part. This is where the deposition touches on some of those past practices. You know, the ones that would probably raise some eyebrows today. Like what?…Well, for example, Doctor Plotkin admits to using orphans and children of mothers in prison for vaccine trials back in the 60s…Whoa, seriously?…Makes you wonder what practices we consider acceptable today that will be seen as unthinkable in the future, right?…That's a good question, isn't it? But before we go down that rabbit hole, let's get back to this deposition.
What else? So where do they go from there? It seems like they were really getting into the historical context of all of this…They actually end up talking about a 2011 report from the Institute of Medicine, the IOM…Doctor Plotkin himself, he reviewed it. And get this. The report actually says. Straight up that there are gaps in our knowledge about vaccine safety.
Aluminum adjuvants. Ah. Yeah, those are in some vaccines, right? What are they exactly I can…Yeah, there's been some concern about whether they're toxic, especially when it comes to, like neurological stuff….This is where the whole autism debate comes in right. Bingo. And the lawyer. They come armed with studies. Right. Studies suggesting aluminum can actually travel to the brain and potentially cause damage…That's what. They're saying there's even this one study. They found high levels of aluminum in brain tissue from autistic kids who had died…So what does Doctor Plotkin say about all?…He acknowledges them, but his main argument is that the amount of aluminum they use in vaccines, it's way lower than what they used in those studies…but I can still see why people would be concerned. You know, even if it's a small amount, it adds up over time. Right. It's. I don't know. It's something to think about.
Informed consent? You mean like making sure parents know what's in a vaccine before they agree to give it to their kid?…Exactly, the lawyers point is that if there are any potential risks, even if we haven't, like, totally confirmed them yet, parents should still know about them so they can make an informed choice….OK. Yeah, I can see that. It's like who's right is it to decide what risks are acceptable?
It's like we need to be able to have these conversations, even if they're uncomfortable. So we can get to a place where people feel confident in the decisions they're making about their health…It gets people thinking, asking questions, doing their own research…It's complex and it's important to stay informed. Stay curious. And keep asking questions.
Did you notice that the AI is going against the ‘advice’ given by Google in its WHO censorship campaigns?
It's like we need to be able to have these conversations, even if they're uncomfortable.
It gets people thinking, asking questions, doing their own research.
It's complex and it's important to stay informed. Stay curious. And keep asking questions.
I wonder how long it will be before Google’s NotebokLM AI is made to drop the 'do your own research' recommendation. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic. Do you think Silicon Valley might turn against the Medical-Industrial Complex at some point? Google founder Sergey Brin's ex-wife, Nicole Shanahan, is now supporting RFK Jr. in his fight against the corrupt vaccine and pharmaceutical industry, so perhaps that is a sign of things to come. Autism rates, for example, are highest among Silicon Valley families (1 in 22 kids), so you would think that at some point they might wake up to what is happening.
Incidentally, new readers unfamiliar with this court case might like to try the Plotkin Deposition GPT (it’s free to use):
Perhaps we dissidents should put more of these long and complicated documents/evidence into the AI engines so that the average Joe can easily access them with a few simple questions.
Further reading:
Hello Mathew,
Firstly, it's good to see you back continuing the fight to get people to think for themselves instead of believing everything these so-called highly educated experts peddle to you. Childhood vaccination can seriously damage your child, it's just a fact. Vaccines have not been adequately tested according to the World Health Organisation and this was exposed by the Highwire who recorded a WHO meeting that exposed that they blatantly lied to parents to get them to accept vaccines for the so-called greater good of the community.
For me COVID-19 was a big wakeup moment, and our doctors sat on their hands and said nothing while these so-called vaccines were rolled out. All their medical knowledge counted for zip because they were told what to do by three letter departments, who in turn were controlled by the governments. Meanwhile our governments also censored the truth and preferred to use fear to peddle their Covid-19 Countermeasures.
It's a hard pill to swallow but we should all just be aware that our doctors are only doing what they're told and cannot be expected to think for themselves on our behalf. My message is simple, don't put too much trust in them unless you have to.
My optimism knows no bounds
Indeed. One might posit that They allow clever little people like you, Mateo, to "find all the leaks" in Their LLM, report on it and continue your shadow banning, to reduce reach. Then... They PLUG THE HOLE. 🔌 🙌