
If these programs are attempts to "cool the mark out", they are failing badly. Only complete censorship had any effect for the first few years, slowly down the awakening; but ultimately that failed because the Internet finds a way, and the censorship itself had a Streisand effect.

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Not something that I was familiar with. Goffman was one of the biggies back in the day. I am familiar with the idea that it is hard to get some one to admit that they have been conned.

"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Attributed to Mark Twain

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Dunno. How fucking furious am I? This fucking anchor was a total pro Vax CUNT. Hang him. We know what he fkn does for a living. Traitor for money.

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If these programs are attempts to "cool the mark out", they are failing badly. Only complete censorship had any effect for the first few years, slowly down the awakening; but ultimately that failed because the Internet finds a way, and the censorship itself had a Streisand effect.

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