Take a break for as long as needed, Matthew. We will be here to see you when you feel up to it. xxx

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Sep 25Liked by Mathew Aldred

Hello Mathew,

Thank you for the heads up, I must admit I've got news hitting me from every direction and as they say, no news is good news. One of the clips I watched this morning under the caption of “Unbelievable” had chosen Jewish families taking a boat ride past Gaza at night while it's being bombed. These families were chosen to occupy Gaza and they now consider Gaza to be owned by Israel. They were also talking about what will happen to the remaining Palestinians that are trapped there, that part of the conversation wasn't disclosed. But it's hard to believe that they will be allowed to stay and coexist with the invading Jews, there’s no way in God's little green acre that this situation isn't going to promote a full on war.

Hope that all is going well for you and your family and I look forward to reading your posts again.

Regards Gary

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Sep 25Liked by Mathew Aldred

Be well!

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Sep 25Liked by Mathew Aldred

Ditto. Take all the time you need. 🙏🏼

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